Monday, June 24, 2013

About SPARRSO - Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization, BD

SPARRSO was established in 1980 as an autonomous multisectoral R & D organization of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh which acts as the centre of excellence and national focal point for the peaceful applications of space science, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) in Bangladesh. SPARSO advises the Government in all matters relating to space technology applications and policy. Keeps close collaboration with national, regional and international organizations, institutions and agencies. It also disseminates research results, satellite data and information to the relevant public, autonomous and private agencies for their development and policy making activities. Also performs advisory expert services on request.

History and Background:
Space Technology applications in Bangladesh started in 1968 through the establishment of APT ground station in the then Atomic Energy Centre. This station was put under SARC of the BAEC In 1972. Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Programme was taken up in Bangladesh with the advent of American ERTS and it was renamed as (BLP) Bangladesh Land sat Programme with the renaming of the programme by NASA. SPARRSO was created in 1980 by merging SARC and BLP. The National Assembly passed an act in 1991 creating this organization. It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Defense.

Objectives of SPARSO:
  • To apply space and remote sensing technology for surveying   natural resources and monitoring the environment and natural hazards in the country for attaining sustainable development.
  • To establish broad based space & remote sensing data acquisition, processing and dissemination system in the country.
  • To act as the national focal point for space and remote sensing activities in the country and to provide the Government with relevant information for deciding  national, regional and inter- national policy issues.
  • To establish regional & international cooperation & collaboration for the peaceful uses of space science and technology.

Facilities Available in the Organization:
  • Meteorological satellite ground station.
  • Image processing and GIS facilities.
  • Advanced cartography laboratory.
  • Advanced photographic laboratory.
  • Advanced hardware maintenance laboratory.
  • Trained Manpower.

AS per the information’s provided on the official web portal of SPARRSO, the activities are:

Agricultural research: 
  • Survey and monitor the agricultural crops.
  • Estimation of major crop yield: rice, wheat etc. particularly the winter crops
  • This forecast is used to plan the food situation in the country and helps attain food security. The role of SPARRSO in this regard has been commended by the Government. Vegetation indices are calculated for the entire country.

Disaster monitoring:
  • Satellite data on cloud formations in the region is received hourly and any impending disaster like depression, cyclone, floods etc are reported to the Govt. and also to BMD, BWDB, BAF and other relevant agencies. Cyclones of 1970, 1985 and 1991 were monitored.   Floods of 1987, 1988, 1998 and 2004 were monitored.
Environment study:
  • Climate change, Global warning, EL-Nino, Monsoons and Ecology.

GIS applications:
  • Digital map production on user required themes.
  • Land use / Land cover Maps of different ecological zones.
  • Coastal Afforestation Map.
  • Administrative Unit Map.
  • Accretion and Erosion Map.
  • Infrastructure Map of different Upazila.
Forestry sector:
  • Prepared forest cover map of Bangladesh.
  • Completed monitoring of Coastal Mangrove Afforestation of the Department of Forest in two phases under World Bank assistance.
  • Conducted survey of Modhupur Sal forest & other forests.
  • Performed Timber Volume Inventory of Sundarban forest.

Fisheries sector:
  • Small & large water bodies were mapped for Fisheries Resources Survey Project of the Department of Fisheries.
  • Updated Inventory of Inland Waters of three Districts.
  • Shrimp farming studied in Satkhira, Chokoria and in the coastal region.
  • Model on Suitable Site Selection of Shrimp farming using R/S and GIS in Coastal Areas.
Water resources:
  • Prepared drainage pattern map of Bangladesh.
  • Determined morphological changes of the Major rivers and Mapped small & large water bodies of the country and provided support to NWMP & FCD projects.
  • Detected nature of fluvial Changes in the Jamuna: confluence movement, bank erosion, channel movement and island characteristics.
  • Kaptai Lake and Hail haor studied.
Oceanography, Coastal environment study and many others.

source of the content and all the images of this post: SPARRSO. For further details please visit the web portal. Thanks a lot.

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1 comment:

  1. মানুষ এখনো আপন গ্যালাক্সি মিল্কিওয়ে (আকাশগঙ্গা) পুরোপুরি আবিষ্কার করতে পারেনি তাহলে মহাবিশ্বের সবগুলো গ্যালাক্সি কিংবা অবজারভেবল ইউনিভার্সের বাইরে বাদবাকি নব্বুই ভাগ গ্যালাক্সির কাছে পৌঁছুবে কবে! সাম্রাজ্যবাদী দেশের সাথে শুধুমাত্র মহাকাশ গবেষণায় বন্ধুত্ব হতে পারে কিন্তু রাজনৈতিক প্রশ্নে নয় । একথা জেনে রাখাটা উচিত যে,বেনজিন রিং সোসাইটি একটি প্রগতিশীল সংগঠন।

    জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনের কারণে আগামী ১০০০ বছরের মধ্যে পৃথিবী তলিয়ে যেতে চলেছে-ধ্বংস হতে চলেছে। সেজন্যে “মডেল গ্রীন হাউস”এর দিকে নজর দেওয়াটা একান্ত কাম্য। তাহলে মানুষ কি পারবে তাদের অস্তিত্ব রক্ষার শেষ লড়াইটা চালাতে?
    Also from SPARRSO.
