Sunday, November 11, 2018

Robot vs Human in the Workplace | WHO WILL WIN

Robots are now taking over the workplace of the human. According to Global Analyst McKinsey, analyzing 800 jobs in 46 countries across the world says, by 2030, 80 million jobs in the world will be left in the hands of robots. So now those who are studying at school and college or thinking about get admitted to the university. Be ready, Robots are coming, new challenges are coming!

In Dubai McDonald's there is no man to take an order. Customers can order and pay by themselves. This is the journey to the future! After few days the menu will probably be over the restaurant table. There you will order, pay and keep sitting. After cooking food in the kitchen robots will send food to your table!

Those who spend a lot of time on the Internet, but they are already facing robots identifying problems 'test of humanity'. By checking the box 'I'm not a robot' or by filling the captcha, you can verify that you are a robot or a computer program which is also a virtual robot! In the 1920s, Czech playwright Carle Chapek used the first word of robot in his RR drama, the 'unrestricted workers robots' rebelled and went down to wipe out mankind! There may still be a lot of time left for a man-made horror robot of science fiction. But in the meantime robots have become rivals in many places.

They have already replaced McDonald's in Dubai or many hotel cleaner jobs in China. The percent of working with robots will increase even more in the future. Think of Amazon's biggest store in the world. There are now only one hundred thousand robots! By the year 2019 this number could be more than one and a half million. The number of people workers in the Amazon warehouse is 1,25,000.

On one side the development of technology reduces employment. Before the rise of Silicon Valley in 1990, the market capitalization of the heavy industries capital Detroit was US$ 3,660 billion, the revenue was US$ 25 billion, and the number of workers was 1.2 million. In 2014, the market capitalization of the top three companies of Silicon Valley was US$ 1.19 billion.

Revenue is approximately US$ 24,700 billion but the number of workers is 10 percent only which is around 1,37,000 only. At the end of the first three months of 2018, the market capitalization of the top three companies of Silicon Valley doubled to US$ 2 trillion, but their number of workers did not double. Just a few years ago 55 employees created a Facebook software called WhatsApp Communication bought US$ 11 billion!

21-year-old Nisha Scott took a job in Amazon in 2016. His job was to fill items in small boxes from one place to another. Now she watches over three robots that do her work! After a few days maybe Nisha will be replaced by a robot. In this way robots are constantly entering our youth market. According to Global Analyst McKinsey, by analyzing 800 job analyzes in 46 countries, the world will have 80 million jobs by 2030, with the robot hand. Food operators like machine operators, cleaners, drivers, cashiers and McDonald's will lose the most jobs.

Who will survive this fight?

According to McKinsey's report, the tasks that are 'human' will survive. Caretakers, Health workers, Lawyers, Teachers, and even gardeners in gardens apart from this, a lot of new areas will be created where 'human interaction' will be needed more. For these, there will be three main weapons to survive - possessing critical thinking, problem solving skills and creativity.

Facebook is the only product in the history of human civilization, which uses by one third of the entire human race. A new workspace has been built based on social media. There a large group of people working in the field of marketing, communication etc will be active in the future. Some worker will sitting on the desk opening FaceBook as their job duty. As a result, the work of computer programmers will also increase. After two years in America and Europe, the number of 20 million programmers will remain vacant, and more than 60 million computer security experts will be required.



Friday, October 5, 2018

How to change Mobile Operator in Bangladesh

The much awaited MNP mobile number portability service has been started in Bangladesh. Mobile phone users in the country can now change to any SIM or operator switching their existing 11-digit mobile phone number. Customers will be able to switch to his desired operator without changing the numbers. At present, Grameenphone, Robi & Airtel, Banglalink, Teletalk are the mobile phone operator in the country.

Singapore is pioneered the service in 1997, India began MNP services in 2011 and Pakistan launched it in 2007. As a 72nd country Bangladesh has launch this service on 1st October, 2018. Bangladesh is a competitive market for all the Telecom service providers. The service is expected to improve the quality of telecom service as competition among operators will increase to ensure satisfaction and retain customers.

BTRC (Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission) first took the initiative in 2009 to start this service and it was discussed by the parliamentary standing committee several times. The recent launch of the MNP service will bring an end to the telecom regulator's decade-long efforts. The mobile number portability service has been launched on October 1 as trial basis. Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabbar said, the service will be launched officially later following feedback from customers on the test run.

Process and Charges of change SIM:
  • Customer will be charged BDT 50 including 15% VAT (value added tax) to change the provider
  • Another BDT 100 has to be paid within 24 hours after the application
  • The phone users will be charged a total of BDT 158, including a charge and the SIM replacement tax
  • The application process will take a maximum of five minutes and it will take around 72 hours to get the final confirmation
  • Customers need to visit customer care center to complete the process
  • Customer can’t switch to another operator within 90 days of the change

On the launching of the MNP service Md Jahirul Haque, acting chairman of BTRC - Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission said, “Mobile phone operators will feel the pressure and definitely they will concentrate on improving quality to retain existing customers and attract customers from other operators”. The MNP will change the telecom market dynamics for better within a few months.

The vice president of Robi Axiata Limited Ekram Kabir said, “We have begun to provide MNP service to the people” and he already thanked all the customers who have already chosen Robi and Airtel on the very first day of the MNP service in BD.

In June 2013, BTRC asked all the mobile operators in Bangladesh to introduce the MNP service in Bangladesh. In 2016 BTRC decided to appoint a third party to offer the service and awarded the license to Infozillion in November 2017. In 2018 the 1st May was set launch the SIM changing service but the date was deferred twice as the operators were not ready. Infozillion BD Teletech, a joint venture between a Bangladeshi firm and a Slovenian firm.

All the operators in the country, small or big, now have equal chances in the business and it will also ensure a level-playing field for all of them.

Among the 15 Crore mobile users of the Bangladeshi population only one-two percent are aware of the services they are availing. Seventeen people have changed operators since the start of the service on the first day.


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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What Humanoid Robots Can Do

Robot is an artificial intelligence program hardware that has the ability to work on the environment around it and can display efficiently controlled movements. The latest addition to such a humanoid robot is 'Sofia'. It is a robot that can talk to people with its eyes, mouth, lips, cheeks, etc. and can expressing the external feelings of humans.

Will robots change our lives in the future? Most probably the answer is Yes! What will they do in the future? In the present scenario, Robots are well-trained in various activities. For example, there are various types of Humanoid Robots that helps in home works such as they are making tea, they are cooking and even they are also using for cleaning purposes. Lots of Scientists are worried about the future of robots. Robots can do some dangerous activities even of killing people. Already about 2,000 scientists, information technologist, professionals and researchers have started their campaign expressing their position against robots.

Beautiful Model Girl Human Cybernetic:
The Human Cybernetic (HRP robot) is exactly what an ordinary people looks like. The face of a Japanese girl has been clearly demonstrated which looks like any girl from 19 to 25 years old. It has a beautiful face and it is a pretty beautiful woman robot right up with beautiful black hair to her shoulder. The specialty of this robot is that it is a model girl. It would be strange to hear that this model robot can have a variety of dresses in a total of 42 types of styles. These robots are not only beautiful but also if someone bothers them they use vicious electric shocks and can report directly to the authorities if necessary.

Homosapien vs Robosapien:
Robots can now talk with people and can communicate. Sex robots can have sex with human. Some robots are just like human. In the London's Museum of Science, you will meet with the Robotsapien which is an actor Robot. Along with the improvements of technology, new type of robots has been created. The London Science Museum organized an exhibition called 'Robot with Artificial Intelligence'. There were more than one hundred robots present there. Meanwhile, robotics is being created by robotics. Robotics specialist Richardson said, "The robot industry is now being increasingly focusing on the sex robot. It will be like what they looks like, for what type of work they will be made for, their design, which is very painful”.

Robot at the Olympic Winter Games:
South Korea has used 85 types of robots in the 2018 Olympic Winter Games. One of the robots was Humanoid. This robot carried the Olympic torch. During the game, some robots were painted on the wall. There were some supplier robots in the field and some phishing robots. Some Robots were able to talk about the Olympics. They gave information on schedules, travel arrangements and sights and objects in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and English languages. South Korea’s local electronic product maker LGO robot has unveiled two robots early this year. Currently they are running a test of robots at Incheon International Airport. One of them is a clean robots and the other is an airport guide robot. On the other hand, Japan is hoping to make a complete 'Robot Village' before the next Summer Olympics.

Home Security Robot:
Worried about your home while not in the house? Don’t need to worry. Home security robots will guard your house and look after everything. This type of robots has multiple built-in CCTV cameras. They can warn if they see any danger around it. It requires a battery to run and it can arrange its own charge when needed. Such robots are especially skilled for spying activities.

Robot working in banks:
Artificial intelligence or AI is one of the special branches of technology which is used in various tasks in the developed countries. The use of AI is increasing day by day to ease human sufferings. The world is moving forward day by day. We are going to change our surroundings. Science and technology have made our life easier and comfortable. People are now dependent on machines or robots easy and complex tasks.

A group of Robots is working relentlessly in a bank in China. The China Construction Bank (CCB) is operating its Shanghai branch completely by some advanced mechanical or humanized robots. This branch is fully technical. It is managed with the help of innovative technologies such as Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Face Recognition system etc. Some friendly robots will be seen when you enter the branch, you can talk to them directly about your needs. They listen to you will assist you and they are always ready to help you. Robots in this bank branch can open bank accounts, transfer money, can do foreign transactions and other banking works. You don’t need to wait for a long line. These Robot Bank officials are able to provide comparatively fast services.

The Robot Police:
Robot has been linked to the United Arab Emirates Police in Dubai. This is the first time use of Robots in the police force in the world. This police do not require any visa, medical insurance or hourly training. They are fully prepared to enter the streets with Dubai residents and numerous tourists. The Robot police joined the workplace on Sunday 21st May, 2018. On 23rd May, the robot police started his formal duty in the fourth Gulf data security fair and congressman's reception in Dubai. The automated robot police is five feet five inches tall and weighs 100 Kg. It has an emotion detector attached to it, using this detector the robot can track any signal within one and half meters distance. It is able to understand the human emotion and facial expression. This robot will behave according to the human smile and tears, understands the feelings of happiness and sorrow. This police robot is able to send live video footage. Robots will be equipped with internet, artificial intelligence and latest technology while patrolling on the streets. It will help the police to identify and catch the culprit using face recognition software.

Robot as a Movie Heroine:
It is normal to have hero and heroine in the film. The hero will love the beautiful heroine, talk, and sometimes there will be a little romance. But this time, the hero will romance, but not with the people of blood and flesh. It is astonishing to hear the story, but the incident can be seen in a Japanese film. And the name of the movie is 'Syonara'. This is the first time a robot heroine can be seen with a hero in the film. The film is about Japan's nuclear bomb explosion. Japanese director Kozi Fukda, playwright Oiraja Hirata and Ososai University's Intelligent Robotics Laboratory Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro made this picture. The film was shown at the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival of 2015. Released in 2016, the film is quite enjoyable.

The funeral will be completed by Robots:
The dead body has to be obeyed according to religious tradition. Japanese people are taking help to complete funeral of human dead body. They have created a robot that will finish the funeral well. Chinese or Japanese people have a robot as a partner since a long time. They are using the robots in home and office. Now the new Humanoid Robot 'Paper' has been added to the list.

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