Friday, June 28, 2019

The cost of Internet Bandwidth in Bangladesh reduced at 180 TK per mbps

The government has reduced the cost of internet bandwidth to BD Taka 180 from BD Taka 360 to ensure internet access at affordable cost for the users across the country. This new costing will be effective from 1st July 2019. The decision has been taken by the Posts and Telecommunications Division under the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The aim is to reduce bandwidth prices to the lowest level.

This decision was taken at a meeting called "Digital Infrastructure Development for a Digital Bangladesh" at the conference room of the Post and Telecommunications Department on Thursday (June 27th). The meeting was chaired by the Post and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabber. The secretary of the Department Ashok Kumar Biswas was also present in the meeting.

The honorable Minister Mr. Mustafa Jabber said about the redundancy of internet bandwidth. He also said that the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government is very IT friendly.

In order to make it possible for ordinary people to use the internet at an affordable cost, in August 2009, the price of every mbps internet bandwidth was reduced from 27 thousand taka to 18 thousand taka. Later, in April 2011, Taka 12 thousand, Taka 8 thousand in April 2012, Taka 2,800 in April 2014 and the cost was reduced at maximum of 960 Taka in September 2015 and the minimum of Taka 360.

He said, from 1996 to 2001 and from 2009 to till, there has been a radical change in the country for the development of Information Technology sector. Even in 2008, around 7.5 gbps bandwidth were used in the whole country. But now it has now been upgraded to 1100 gbps.

Re-priced list of internet related services in different categories:
  • IP transit for IIG: Bandwidth mbps up to 500-999 charge 350 taka per mbps.
  • For minimum 3 years, 335 per mbps.
  • Bandwidth mbps 50000+ charge 300 per mbps.
  • For minimum of 2 year term the mbps charge is Tk. 285.

IP transit for ISP:
  • Bandwidth mbps (5-19) (from only Upazila or Union level) per mbps charge is 400 taka.
  • For minimum 3-year contract, mbps charges up to Tk 375.
  • Bandwidth mbps 40000+ charge Tk 310 per mbps .
  • For minimum 3-year contract, the charge per mbps is Tk. 290.

BTCL Local Content Transmission Charge:
  • Transmission charge in the area of ​​greater Dhaka Tk. ​​30 per mbps.
  • Transmission charge out of ​​Dhaka is Tk 100 per mbps.

For Education and Training Institution:
  • Bandwidth mbps upto 5-99 charge 300 Taka per mbps.
  • For minimum 5-year contract, charged at Tk. 270 per mbps.
  • Bandwidth mbps 3000 and above charge of 200 Taka per mbps.
  • For minimum 5-year contract, mbps charges up to 180 taka.

For government offices, semi-government organizations and corporate offices:
  • Bandwidth mbps 5-49 charge Tk. 395 per mbps.
  • For minimum 5-year contract, the charge is 355 taka per mbps.
  • Bandwidth mbps 3000+ charges up to 250 taka per mbps.
  • For minimum 5-year contract, the charges is are Tk 225 per mbps.

VPN Services:
  • Same-rate bandwidth (mbps) across the country, from 1 to 5 mbps 300 taka per mbps
  • Bandwidth (mbps) 10000 or more, per mbps 30 taka.

Apart from this, customers of rural area will get 10% discount from the above mentioned charges. At the same time, the cost of bandwidth of Linux web hosting packages and Windows Web hosting packages has been reduced.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Rover Curiosity Identified Methane Gas on Mars | Symbol of Life !

Is there a possibility to find any symbol of life in the red planet MARS? At least NASA's recent report indicated that. Astronomers have discovered from the report sent by the spacecraft Curiosity Rover on last week. The report said that the red planet has high levels of methane gas on its atmosphere and everybody was just surprised.

Because the methane gas in the earth is emitted by living organisms. Scientists have received the information sent by Mars Rover Curiosity on 20th June 2019. Then on next day they researched a lot based on that information and become excited.

Though any kind of official announcement regarding this matter has not yet been finalized yet by NASA.

"With these new findings, Mars is telling us to stay the course and keep searching for evidence of life," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters, in Washington. "I'm confident that our ongoing and planned missions will unlock even more breathtaking discoveries on the Red Planet."

So far, they are continuing various experiments and testing’s. Curiosity has sent some new information on about atmosphere of Mars. The researchers and scientists have become more enthusiastic. The test report based on this matter may come next week.

Scientists say that if there is methane gas in the air of Mars in a very small scale. That means the methane found on the atmosphere is emitted very recent.

"Curiosity has not determined the source of the organic molecules," said Jen Eigenbrode of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who is lead author of one of the two new Science papers. "Whether it holds a record of ancient life, was food for life, or has existed in the absence of life, organic matter in Martian materials holds chemical clues to planetary conditions and processes."

The Methozen is present in any place on the earth where there is a lack of oxygen. Such as in underground stoneware or in animal stomach. The animals leave the methane as the body's waste.

However, the methane formation sometimes happens in geothermal reaction, scientists think. They think, maybe Mars's methane found in the Curiosity test has many antiquities which was buried under stones for several thousand of years. Suddenly it broke out.

"This is the first time we've seen something repeatable in the methane story, so it offers us a handle in understanding it," said Chris Webster of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, lead author of the second paper. "This is all possible because of Curiosity's longevity. The long duration has allowed us to see the patterns in this seasonal 'breathing.'"

But everything is now in the research level. Scientists from NASA say that they cannot understand the whole thing without further testing.

So, we will have to wait more.
