Thursday, October 31, 2019

FaceBook's AI Tool | Facial Recognition System

Facebook's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Team has developed a tool that can fool the Facial Recognition System. This will prevent identifying anyone faces by mistake from a video. This system is called 'de-identification' system. It also works on live video. The main facial feature of a video's content is changed using machine learning in the system.

A report by famous tech website VentureBeat says, face recognition may cause privacy issues. In addition, there may be abuse of technology such as changing the facial appearance of the video. Facebook's new tool will prevent such type of misuse. Earlier the de-identification system used on images.

This tool will be presented at a conference called ‘International Conference on Computer Vision’ in Seoul, South Korea, next week. The tool of facial recognition has been announced when $ 35 billion class action lawsuit against Facebook is not over.

According to an IANS report, Facebook has had a $ 35 billion class-action lawsuit in the US state of Illinois. Facebook requested to dismiss the facial recognition related lawsuit case in the state. But a three-member of San Francisco judge panel rejected Facebook’s appeal.

The complaint stated that Facebook did not seek permission before identifying people images by scanning of Illinois people. They did not even know how long that information would be stored on Facebook. Facebook has begun mapping their facial identities since the beginning of the 2011.

If Facebook loses in this case, then they have to pay every person a fine from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000. For total 7 million users FaceBook will have to pay around $ 35 from their pocket.

The judge in the court said that facial recognition software violates a person's personal affairs and factual preferences. This violates the Illinois Bio-metric Information Privacy Act.

Now we can wait and see what’s going to happen next!


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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quantum Computer | Does Google really have it !

Google has recently claims to have most developed and advanced Quantum Computer, which for the first time achieved 'quantum supremacy'. That is, Google has surpassed all conventional computers in terms of computing calculations or performance. Recently the BBC published news release regarding this. Research articles have also been published in the ‘Nature’ journal.

What is Quantum Computer:
A Quantum Computer can solve many complex problems of quantum mechanism easily. In order to solve the same problem, a super computer takes hundreds of thousands of years. This is called quantum supremacy. When an organization or a country will be able solve such complex problems in a very short time using quantum computers, it will be said that they have achieved quantum supremacy.

Google has made a sycamore quantum processor and this Google-made quantum processor is capable of completing a specific task within 200 seconds while it will take thousand years to complete the same task using world's best supercomputer. Researchers and engineers have been trying to build quantum computers for decades and they have announced that such a computer will be far ahead of the speed.

In the binary system, the numbers are only one and two (1 and 2). With this binary majority, all kinds of work are done by the present computer system. However 0 and 1 cannot be represented at the same time. Quantum computers are far ahead in this step compared to traditional computers.

Google has claimed that a quantum computer can do the work that is not possible using a conventional computer. Researchers compared this invention to the discovery of the first aircraft of the Wilbur Wright brothers in 1903. This is the beginning of fantasy. However, it will take more time to get the full benefits from this computer. Google's quantum computer information leaked last month. It claims that Google has already created a quantum computer.

Power of Quantum Computer:
Quantum computers have been a widely discussed term in the technology world for many years. It is said that anyone who can reach this computer will be the controller of the whole world.

The special chip called 'Sycamore' consists of a two-dimensional array of 54 transmon qubits (the basic unit of quantum computers), where each qubit is tunably coupled to four nearest neighbors, in a rectangular lattice. Qubits can perform many times more than traditional computer bits.

Advantages of Quantum Computer:
Quantum computers have many advantages. It does not solve many mathematical problems. According to scientists, quantum computers will be able to solve the problems that traditional computers have in order to solve very complex problems. As a result, quantum computers can revolutionize everywhere - from pharmaceuticals to oil industries.

Particularly complex mathematical problems in physics and chemistry can be solved quickly. New drugs will be invented using Quantum Computer. Commercial algorithms of financial institutions can be further improved. Even the early forms of artificial intelligence that scientists are working can be improved larger scale.

Disadvantages of Quantum Computer:
There are risks. If an advanced quantum computer created, all the security of the current Internet of Things could be collapse like a house of playing cards. British famous newspaper The Economist says quantum computers will be able to do whatever they want in any organization or company. The personal information of billions of Internet users across the world can be taken into their own memory. The government database can be hacked. Undue control can be imposed in the banking system. State defense system can be turned off if desired. Considering these aspects, many do not even hesitate to call it a "terrible" computer.

Google Says:
Google AI Quantum is advancing quantum computing by developing quantum processors and novel quantum algorithms to help researchers and developers solve near-term problems both theoretical and practical. We think quantum computing will help us develop the innovations of tomorrow, including AI. That’s why we’re committed to building dedicated quantum hardware and software today. Quantum computing is a new paradigm that will play a big role in accelerating tasks for AI. We want to offer researchers and developers access to open source frameworks and computing power that can operate beyond classical capabilities.



Sunday, October 13, 2019

Digital Device and Innovation Expo 2019 | Made in Bangladesh

For the first time the 'Digital Device and Innovation Expo-2019' under the title “Made in Bangladesh” is being organized in the country. The three days expo will begin on Monday (October 14th 2019) at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center in the capital city Dhaka. The organizers of the event announced and highlighted the latest preparations for the event on 13th October. Prime Minister’s ICT Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy will inaugurate the exhibition.

More than two hundred stalls and pavilions have been organized in eight different zones under the title of 'Made in Bangladesh'. Around 200 exhibitors will participate in this event. Exhibitions will be open from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm daily for everyone. Registration is free for everyone. Various seminars and exhibitions for visitors will be organized on the fair.
  1. Made in Bangladesh Zone
  2. Innovation Zone
  3. Startup Zone:
  4. Robotic Zone
  5. Registration for Mars
  6. BCS Expo Zone
  7. B2B Zone
  8. Media corner 

The program will be jointly organized by the Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Bangladesh High Tech Park Authority, Idea Project, Access to Information (A2I) and Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS). Other partners are Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (E-CAB), Bangladesh Association of Call Centers and Outsourcing (BACCO), Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB), Bangladesh Woman In Technology (BWIT) and Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF).

This is going be one of the mega digital events of this year. The ICT Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak was present as a chief guest at the announcement. He said the background of the expo was created at the second meeting of the Digital Taskforce held on August. The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina spoke of a dream. That was - digital devices will be made in our country and those products will be export abroad by the 'Made in Bangladesh' tag line.

The minister said 'We took that challenge. Since then I have been working on this expo, led by the Prime Minister's ICT Advisor Sajeeb Wazed Joy and this is going to be real.’

Referring to the government's various initiatives in the preparation of digital devices, the Minister said that to innovate digital devices, we have to pay high import tariff on different types of raw material. The government has reduced the tariffs on the import of such raw materials. Some of which dropped down to zero.

As a result, digital device manufacturers have grown in the country in recent years. Many of them have already begun production and export. Through this, a large number of jobs are going to be created for our younger generation.

Hosne Ara Begum, chairman of the Expo co-organizer, Bangladesh High Tech Park Authority, said, ‘For the first time we are organizing together with BASIS. We are now much more capable in ICT. That's what we want the world to know. At the same time I want to make the younger generation more involved with ICT.’ The BCS president Shahid-Ul Munir, said ‘We are proud to be a partner with the event. We believe some great initiatives will come up through this 'Digital Device and Innovation Expo-2019.

Among others, the BASIS President Syed Almas Kabir, E-CAB President Shami Kaiser, ICT Secretary NM Ziaul Alam, Project Director of a2i Abdul Mannan also spoke on the occasion.

Entry is free but visitors need to be register first. Visit the official website of the 'Digital Device and Innovation Expo-2019 for registration.


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