Friday, July 19, 2019

Amazon is Coming to Bangladesh or Not!

There was a buzz about the launch of the world famous US e-commerce giant Amazon in Bangladesh. But this time the progress of the issue has been known much. Based on the information of the Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), recently Amazon officials are doing meeting with the department to start their operations in Bangladesh.

On Wednesday 17th July 2019, the e-commerce company ‘Amazon’ attended a meeting with the Information and Communication Technology Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak about their activities. Then Amazon can report on their start up activities. Later it was known that the Amazon wants to collect Bangladeshi products in their own warehouses and give opportunity to entrepreneurs instead of starting activities in Bangladesh. State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak told the media after the discussion.

At the beginning of the year 2018, Amazon officials evaluated the possibility of starting their activities in Bangladesh. Initially it was known that Amazaon will start their program by acquisition any company of Bangladesh. Later no information was given by Amazon on this issue. They did not officially commented on investment activities in Bangladesh.

From the last year, the famous and popular Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba was working in Bangladesh by buying South Asian e-commerce company Daraj Group.

The US Company Amazon is one of the biggest online platform works on e-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Digital Streaming and Artificial Intelligence etc. At present world's four largest companies are Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. Jeff Bejos started its journey on 5 July 1994.

Now Amazon wants to sell Bangladeshi products abroad. Their aim is to sell Bangladeshi products from their own warehouse to the global platform. Apart from this, they discussed the principles of financial support needed to sell merchandise goods to the Amazon platform.

A delegation of the Amazon participated in a meeting with the state minister and officials of the ICT Tower at Agargaon. As an Amazon's representative the category manager of International Expansion Division Mr. Gagan Dip Sagor attended the meeting.

After the meeting, the State Minister said, "Amazon wants to sell Bangladeshi entrepreneurs in their own warehouses to their global platforms. We will see how our policies and strategies will be in this regard.”

There was no official announcement by Amazon regarding the meeting. There was no announcement about whether Amazon will launch their activities in Bangladesh. The Minister said, 'whether they will come to Bangladesh or not, it depends on their wishes and our policies.'

According to the Department of ICT, the meeting was held but no one wants to make any comment regarding this issue.

So, the buzz still remains buzz. Let us wait and see whether Amazon is coming to Bangladesh or not! If they really come then when!

And we think once Amazon will start their business in Bangladesh.


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